
Top 10 Exotic Fruits Probably You’ve Never Heard Of

If you take a trip through the supermarket’s produce isle, you might be forgiven for thinking that you have an impressive variety of fruit at your fingertips. In reality, however, this is only a small offering of the wide variety of delicious and exotic fruit that Mother Nature has in store. You may be surprised to learn about all the different weird and exotic fruits from Asia that can open up an entirely new world to you. Here are 10 weird and exotic fruits from Asia you've probably never heard of.

10. Yangmei Fruit
This strawberry native to China is also known as the bayberry or by its scientific name Myrica rubra. Its fruit can be eaten fresh, dried or fermented to make baijiu, a Chinese liquor. Like Us

9. Sugar Apple
Also known as custard apple, sweetsop or atis, this fruit comes from the Annona squamosa tree. It is round with a slight pine cone diameter. Like Us

8. Water Apple
Also known as the ‘jambu air’ in Malay, this fruit is small, round and pinkish red. It is shaped like a bell, roughly 3cm wide and is very crunchy and juicy.
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7. Nipah Seeds
The nipah seeds grow on the nipah palm tree, and is a translucent, white and chewy fruit. It is most commonly served in a shaved-ice Malaysian dessert called ais kacang. Like Us

6. Mangosteen
The mangosteen is well protected by its hard purple exterior, but the fragrant fruit with a soft, white, edible flesh has a sweet and tangy taste. Like Us

5. Rambutan
Once the rambutan’s hairy exterior is peeled away, its deliciously sweet and sticky flesh is revealed inside, with a large woody seed in the middle. Like Us

4. Durian
This fruit is revered in Southeast Asia as the King of Fruits. The thorn covered husk along with its pungent odour is the hallmark of the durian. Like Us

3. Wood Apple
Native to India and Sri Lanka, the fruit has a woody rock-hard shell that is smooth with a grey, yellow or green peel. The fruit is medicinal and its tree is considered to be sacred by Hindus. Like Us

2. Dragon Fruit
Resembling the shape of dragon scales or dragon flames, its fruit is white with spotted black seeds and actually tastes quite mild and bland. NB. It is extremely good for aiding digestion. Like Us

1. Snake Fruit
Also known as salak, this fruit has a sweet and tangy taste like the pineapple. A species of the palm tree, it got its name from its brownish-red scaly skin. Like Us

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