10. Malta (316 sq. km)
Malta is located just south of the island of Sicily off the coast of Italy. The small island nation gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964.

9. Maldives (298 sq. km)
The Maldives are comprised of 2,000 islands in the Indian Ocean, only 200 of which are inhabited. The islands have been independent from the United Kingdom since 1968.

8. Saint Kitts and Nevis (261 sq. km)
The Caribbean island nations of Saint Kitts and Nevis have been independent since 1983. Saint Kitts is a frequent Caribbean cruise ship destination and the smallest independent nation in North America.

7. Marshall Islands (181 sq. km)
Formerly administered by the United States, the atolls, reefs and islands that comprise the Marshall Islands have been independent since 1986. The Marshall Islands are located in the South Pacific halfway between Hawaii and Australia.

6. Liechtenstein (160 sq. km)
Liechtenstein is located on the Rhine River between Austria and Switzerland. Liechtenstein gained independence in 1806.

5. San Marino (61 sq. km)
San Marino is located in north central Italy and claims to be the oldest independent nation in the world. The country is situated in the Apennine Mountains and completely surrounded by Italy.

4. Tuvalu (26 sq. km)
Tuvalu is made up of nine atolls in Polynesia and has been independent since 1978. The coral islands that comprise Tuvalu are situated just five meters above sea level.

3. Nauru (21 sq. km)
Nauru is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean that gained independence in 1968. Nauru is the smallest independent island nation in the world.

2. Monaco (2 sq. km)
Located along the French Riviera on the Mediterranian coast near Nice, the small independent nation of Monaco originally gained independence in 1489.

1. Vatican (0.44 sq. km)
The Vatican is the world's smallest independent country. Vatican City is the spiritual center for the Roman Catholic faith and surrounds St. Peters Basilica in Rome, Italy. The Vatican has been independent since 1929.

Bonus: Sealand (0.004 sq. km)
There is ongoing discussion as to whether or not Sealand, a small island located off the Suffolk coast, is actually the smallest country in the world. The occupants of Sealand claim independent sovereign state status, however Sealand has yet to be recognized as such by the International community.